Home > POWERbreathe Medic IMT
The POWERbreathe Medic is the ideal IMT device for people with very weak diaphragms and severe respiratory problems. The breathing trainer gently increases your breathing strength in a safe, scientifically proven way.
The device creates resistance on your in-breath, causing your muscles to work harder. Over time, you will build up strength and stamina and breathing will become easier. This can ease the symptoms of COPD and asthma and help with rehabilitation.
Clinically proven – The POWERbreathe Medic inspiratory muscle training device has been rigorously assessed for clinical evidence, patient compliance and financial savings. It’s clinically proven to alleviate breathlessness.
Drug-free – The medical breathing device has no side effects or drug interactions.
9 adjustable load settings – The POWERbreathe Medic provides an introductory level of load setting (weight lifted) in increments from 10cmH2O to 90cmH2O.
The range between each training level is quite small which means that as your breathing muscles become stronger and you move up one of the training levels by increasing the resistance, this small increase in cmH2O makes it more manageable.
Treatment for patients with medical conditions – The POWERbreathe Medic IMT device offers evidence-based, drug-free treatment for patients with a variety of medical conditions such as:
> Heart failure
> Asthma
> Thoracic surgery
> Ventilator weaning
> Cystic fibrosis
> Neuromuscular disease.
The Medic has been taken up by medical professionals as an adjunct to pharmacological treatments. It can be used as a standalone therapy or in conjunction with pulmonary rehabilitation, with or without supervision, and can be easily used straight out of the box.
Reduce dyspnoea (laboured breathing) – Respiratory muscle weakness is inherent in various patient groups and a major contributor to the perception of difficult or laboured breathing (dyspnoea).
However, when the inspiratory muscles are ‘overloaded’ regularly using the Medic, they adapt and become stronger and more resistant to fatigue. Activating stronger inspiratory muscles requires less effort during a given task, reducing dyspnoea. This has been shown to improve exercise tolerance and quality of life, particularly in patients with COPD